Pete and I critiqued each others blogs, here are his comments about mine and, afterwards, my reactions to those comments :
Hi Steve,
I've spent some time going through your idet classes blog and have made a few notes I will pass along to you here.
I liked that your blog content accurately reflected the blog title, and I also liked the explanation of the content in the Kibitzing paragraph. It let the reader know what to expect and gave some direction on how to approach it.
I liked the links to other places and thought the choice was good, i.e. your fellows and your own Web site. They each provided additional context for appreciating you and your blog.
Your blog consisted of a fair amount of what seemed like notes taken on a laptop during your classes, which seemed fine, but there were formatting and punctuation inconsistencies across your various dated entries of the note-taking type. There were sentences with no capital at the front and no period at the ending, and there were caps and periods, and there were caps and no periods and no caps with periods. I would have appreciated a standardized choice throughout which would make it a bit easier to read and also look more professional.
I did like your use of pictures and graphs and cartoons to illustrate and support your text entries. It kept it interesting and was much more easy on the eye than lots of text-only pages. It was also more motivating as a reader to continue reading.
I liked your organization by class title and date for your entries. This was consistent throughout and was easy to follow as a reader. It also helped to understand your content by knowing which class and topic the comments were on.
The colored text was interesting but seemed more like a thing to try out as a new blog host than as something used in a purposeful or consistent way across the blog. Your own Web site led me to believe you are an experienced blogger and blog creater so it seemed out of place a bit.
Your use of bullets to summarize your points was a good choice for covering a lot of material in a small amount of space. I would again look at your formatting for consistency (see September 6 entry). There is double spacing and single spacing in sub-texts. Also, there are double, triple, and wider spacings between the various entries. there are also bullets with no heading in one of your entries in September. Standardizing such things can help the reader follow your organized entries from lessons as opposed to the flow-of-consciousness writing from thoughts during your classes.
My only other thought is that you might want to add a note on the blog homepage listing the various classes you are taking so the reader has a heads-up as to what's ahead in your blog and will recognize it when we get there.
Well done over all.
It seems that his biggest criticism of the blog was in my inconsistencies. He liked that the purpose of the blog was clear, the use of pictures and graphics, and even the formatting - had the formatting been more consistent. Although I agree with him that a standardized format would look more professional and look better, my main goal at the time was to get the information down in a format that was clear to me. In the future I will try to be more consistent, it would look better that way, but I will still concentrate my effort on making the information understandable to me.
The other suggestion he made was a really good one, one that I have already implemented and plan to continue. He commented that it would be nice to have a list of the classes I am currently enrolled in at the top of the blog, so that the reader would immediately know the subjects that would be discussed in the subsequent posts. Excellent suggestion, and as you can see (if you scroll back to the top) I have done just that.
So, for the future I will :
Try to be more consistent in my formatting - bullets, bolding (um, where do I remember that comment from before?) and coloring of text.
Continue to keep a list of the classes I am currently enrolled in at the top of the blog.
Continue to weave pictures and graphics into the text.
Viola. Thar' she be.