Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Web Tools

Welcome, hi, how's it going?

My presentation on Zamzar on the 15th of July.

Where do people get the time to do the things on the web?

  1. Industrial revoloution - human race thrust from rural to urban living,

  2. WWII - 5 day work week, surplus time, cognitive surplus

  3. New revolution from passive TV watching to interaction on internet

  4. Media triathalon - produce, consume & share

  5. Clay Shirky @ Web2.0 Expo.

  6. SETI, download their screensaver so you computer can help process their data of space scans

public_html folder tells server that that is the folder with the files to be published. rest will not be published and open to the general world

Thursday, May 15, 2008

EDPS 6560 - Multimedia Learing

We will be learning
  1. Photoshop
  2. Flash
  3. iMovies (in the Mac Lab)

Why do I need these skills, and how do they help my students
We will be able to:

  1. multimedia learning design principles
  2. cognitive functionality of multimedia
  3. repertoire of graphics techniques and their applications
  4. plan for complimentary techniques in a single learning sequence and justify why you are doing what you are doing
  5. describe how range of instructional technology applications can be adapted to the needs of the students
  6. modify graphics and photographs
  7. produce interactive learning materials such as animated learning objects
    NO TEXTBOOK! Don't have to spend the $$$$$ for a book I'm never going to use!

    Now we're working on Adobe photoshop, so not much more going on in here.

    Difference between jpg and gif

    jpg - rbg, red, blue, green - no transparency - also no animation - best for pictures that don't move, good photographs

    gif - red, blue, green and alpha - alpha allows the transparency - allows for the animation - much better fro graphic stuff,

    bitmap - best for printing industry, big files, but keeps more info about the pictures

    CMYK color - used specifically for the printing business

    Me, Gibb 'n Leilani will be presenting Reading 5 on July 10th.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

EDPS 6447 - Web Based Tools and Applications.

Dreamweaver and Fireworks.

Introductions. Hi everyone.

UCET - March 6th & 7th next year.

What do we want to get out of this class?
  • Tools
  • Trends
  • Web 1.0 = I publish, you read
  • Web 2.0 tools that we can use. (Collaboration)
  • Web 3.0 - interactive 3-D
  • What the hell would Web 4.0 be?
  • Get rid of fear of all this stuff.

Trial and error -hands on.

Come up with a whole bunch of prescriptions - principles that govern why you are going to do what you are going to do. Must justify why navigaiton on the left side, why are your links underlined and in blue? Crap like that. How easy, how intuitive is it to find what you are looking for.

  1. Interoperability - how well does your web site work on different platforms - every computer configured differently, every platform views differently. (And now it's even worse with iPhones and other stuff like that.)
  2. Originality of work - huge difference between collaboration and plagerism.

  1. Homework.
  2. Personal Website - home.utah.edu website.

Highlighted Notes:

  1. We can use this lab anytime we want to.
  2. Bring flash drive for files, computers have Deep Freeze type thing and everything goes away when shut down.


really cool ghost town in California


monson's class website - info and other stuff on there.

  • Firefox
  • Flock
  • browsers other than IE.

**5 minute presentation on one of the 100 tools.

NeoTrace - type in a website, traces how you have to go to get there, you can find out where it is being hosted.

Internet frog - tools for determining different things about the internet http://www.internetfrog.com/myinternet/dnslookup/index.asp

Here we are learning basic HTML - this is our simple as hell web page everyone else is doing on Notepad

  1. Email him with the email address I want him to use for contacts.
  2. Email him with top 100 I'm going to present on.
  3. Get book - get software
  4. Google account