Monday, September 15, 2008

Leadership Agin'

  • Fullan Clip

  • Discussion Groups

  • Whole Class Discussion

  • Change Solutions

  • Next Week and the following

  • Other?

  • Fullan article about change - adaptive, not easy, no simple answers and conflict necessary to force change.

  • Change is a living thing - compares to a living organism. Dynamic, constant state of change. (Last week Sheingold talked about same thing - tension between things).

  • No cookbooks, no silver bullets. There is no single way that will work for all, or sometimes any other, situation. A system needs to be tweaked and adapted for a new situation or place.

  • Knowledge, creation, explicit knowledge (hard data, facts, numbers) and tacit knowledge (knowledge about personalities in and of the classroom, who will want to answer each question, who will use the hall pass a bazillion times).

  • Formal planning, restricts creative abilities, they don't buy into it, don't take ownership.

  • Middle Managers - they are interpreters - take things from the top and translate for those below (mediators) and take comments from below and bring it up to the higher up.

  • 8 Change Lessons

Combustion Statement - a complaint - take care of it before it explodes. Key to diffusing combustion statement is knowing your customers.

Assignment - post two original comments, each on a different section.

Due by, midnight September 24th.

September 29th, discuss leadership article. Class 4:30 - 5:30 on the web, class website, wimba classroom from her class site.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Leadership 9/8/2008

Mo' fun stuff


these documents are the types that she can open up. send all assignments in one of those formats

The Hunter article:
  • 1920's - industrial revolution, urbanization.
  • 1650's - cold war, space race, gotta beat the ruskies to the moon
  • 1970's - equal access and individualized.
  • 1980's - T.H. Bell - "Nation at Risk" & the computer, (1983) NCTM first national organization to respond to "N&R" with national curriculum standards. Backlash from national standards - lists of; ie: what a 5th grader should know; list - "these are the poems and novel that all students should know by nth grade. Not individualized, teach to the test, prepare for Jeopardy. Gifted kids would be done by 6th grade. No higher order thinking, #1 critisism; Who decided the list?
Individualized - standardized

ACCESS to the right equipment
TIME to learn the technology
SUPPORT of the administration
Sheingold Article

Three simultaneous agendas of reform, technology and teaching, that are all 3 interdependent and synergistic.

Pragmatic concerns - budget, extracurricular situations, power outages, fire drills, emergency issues, unexpected occurances.

this is the context for all the rest of the class - think about them when reading articles, think about them when talking to the expert.

What do we mean by Leadership?

Leadership is not about the leaders: characteristics of good leaders from survey of 10,000 managers across the nation
  1. Honesty - truthful, ethical, principled, high integrity. Cannot be quantified: do what you say you are going to do.

    Follow up study- most important characteristic is trust in others

  2. Competence - depending on rank - this person knows what they are doing - in reference to what they are supposed to be doing. Do not need to be competent in things that are not your responsibilities.
  3. Being forward-looking. Supposed to have direction, concern for the future and must be able to articulate it.
  4. Inspiration - enthusiastic, energetic, positive - have a dream and be able to communicate it. [The leader is the evangelist for the dream - Dave Paterson, Apple Computers]
  5. Credibility - Foundation upon which inspiring leadership is built. - years to earn it, instant to lose it. People feel more secure around credible leaders.

5 fundamental practices of good leaders

  1. Challenge the process
  2. Inspire a shared vision, create vision and able to bring others into it
  3. Enable others to act - involve others in planning and give latitude to make own decisions
  4. Model the way - clear, consistent plan broken down into acheivable chunks
  5. Encourage the heart - link recognition with accomplishments - acknowledge people's acheivements

Steps to good leadership;

  1. Know your followers.
  2. Stand up for your beliefs.
  3. Speak with passion.
  4. Lead by example.
  5. Conquer yourself (you are not what it's all about, focus on what it is about).

*********Go through PowerPoint from module 2 and then comment on one question and respond to one comment on module 2 discussion by next week.

*********Start thinking about who you are going to interview and questions for them.

*********September 15th at 9:00 the documentary on KUED

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Advanced Instructional Technology

Yeah, I'm gonna try to actually take notes tonight. Yeah, that's the goal.

Dick and Kerry model is good, except it does not tell you how to proceed when you get to the specific content - it is a MACRO model.

Merrill's Model - a micro level model
- concerns regarding traditional model; too much emphasis on macro level design.

What are micro level strategies?
type of content

what kind of content do we need to focus on and what kind of performance goes along with that content

Gagne; 5 types or outcomes in learning (content)motor skills

intellectual skills

cognitive strategies


verbal information - communication

Conditions of Learning, Gagne
remember, use/apply, find/discover

Bloom - forward design

Gagne & Merrill - backward design.

Gagne's conditions of learning

Limitations : emphasis on performance only

Question : would variation in content affect the performance?

Two dimensional design : content and performance.

Types of content:
fact, concept, procedure, principles (variations in content)

Types of performance
  • remember; human memory: associative, episodic, image, algorithmic
  • use/apply
  • find/discover
  • by association - connection to background knowledge
  • episodic - remember something because of some episode in your life
  • image - associate with picture or other visual
  • algorithmic - procedural

Teaching the American Revolution
  • FACT; april 19th, 1775 battle of lexington and concord
  • CONCEPT; freedom from tyranny
  • PROCEDURE; form interim government, declare independence, amass army and win war
  • PRINCIPLE; people have the right to self determination
Types of performance
  • remember; names and dates of people and events
  • use/apply; compare to other revolutions and breaks from Empire, ie: French, Canada, Australia
  • Find/apply; compare revolution to Civil War. what's similar, what's different.
Ah, more fun technology to try my patience - podcasting on Web TV.

****Flexibility in design, one model does not work in every case.

Primary Presentation - how do you present a concept.
Need to elaborate on the primary presentation? Secondary Presentation


Reigeluth's Model - a macro level approach

  • deal only with organizational strategies, not with delivery, eg media selection, and management strategies eg resource allocation

organizational strategies

  • macro - concerned with selection, sequence, structure of the subject matter topics
  • micro - concerned with the details of each individual presentation to the student


Analogy - simple, general but not abstract because then the students won't get it and will into be engaged



Elaboration Theory : a deductive approach to ID design

  • simple to complex; general to detailed; abstract to detailed
  • historical background
  • the concept of learning hierarchy
  • Gagne's learning prerequisite
  • instructional sequences
  • spiral curriculum

Who is the father of discovery method of learning; Gerome Bruhner


  • problems with instruction; zoom lens and locked on complx level of content; focus on fragmentation

Epitome - a few fundamental and representative ideas to be elaborated later

not summary because summary is abstract whereas epitome is NOT abstract.

Process of Epitome

  • selecting one type of content as the organizing content (concepts, principles, etc.) VERY CONCRETE, not abstract
  • listing all of the organizing content that is to be taught in the course
  • selecting a few organizing content ideas that are the most basic, simple and/or fundamental
  • presenting those ideas at the application level rather than the more superficial and abstract memorization level.